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You are able to reset your current score and try again.
Once done, your current progress in this tournament will be lost and you will start over.
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Your balance
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Reset and Try again

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This will require one to be utilized.

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Your Balance will be reset to STC and all your progress for the day will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?

You need to reset the balance

Required coins
Your balance

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You're about to join FTN Tournament

Cash rewards in this tournament will be paid out in Fast Token (FTN) equivalent.

Read more about Fast Token (FTN)here

You will use one ticket from your inventory to join this tournament.

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Social Tournaments Factions | How to Win

So, you’ve probably earned a few points here or there before, or maybe you haven’t… Maybe you’re a seasoned veteran looking for an extra edge for this upcoming season. Whatever the situation you find yourself in, the goal is the same: earn as many points as possible for you and your Faction! If you’re new to Factions and how they work, we recently did a Social Tournaments Factions Explained article which covers all you need to know and more! Here, we’re going to focus on the main ways to win and sprinkle in some tips and tricks to ensure you and your buddies are number 1 on that leaderboard!

Factions – How to Win Points

Now the main premise is – the more you play, the more points you end up collecting for your team – so play as much as possible and you’re bound to be a winner, right? Well – kind of… but there’s a more efficient way! Missions! These tasks reward players directly with points for them and their Faction and coins on top of that! For them – yes, you read right. In addition to being the main way to contribute to your Factions score, the points you gather from Missions are collected up and unlock a huge range of prizes! You can check out all you stand to earn, and the Missions themselves at the Social Pass 

Factions – Mission Types

  • Daily Missions: These Missions are easy to complete and reset daily, so you can rack up a nice amount of points and coins on the regular. Naturally, by doing these missions each day, you find yourself closer and closer to achieving the Weekly and Monthly Missions too!  
  • Weekly Missions: You guessed it – these missions are to be completed within the week and take a little longer to achieve. However, with a bit of determination, these items can be swept off the list in no time!  
  • Monthly Missions: The big boys! These will take you quite a while to achieve, but are well worth it as they provide super high point payouts for completing them.    

Social Tournaments Factions – What do you Win?

So now you know the tricks of the trade, but, why bother? Well. On top of massive bragging rights, you’ll also end up with a grand coin payout depending on your Faction’s position:  

  • 1st place – each member will win 50,000 coins     
  • 2nd place – each member will win 25,000 coins     
  • 3rd place – each member will win 10,000 coins  

The current Season awaits a new champion to lead their team to victory, fortune and ultimate glory! With this information in your pocket, go forth and get on with as many Missions as you can, and earn your place in the top contributors list! Fortune doesn’t wait around to be found, it favours the bold!